Increasing Business Gross Income-18

Welcome to part 18 of the MetroSculpters Consulting Actionable Business Advice Series.

In parts 16 and 17, we discussed the first of the mastermind formula – the knowledge part. The mastermind or mastery formula is the tool to attain mastery of anything.

Let me swiftly introduce here the truth of this formula. The three parts of the formula actually form a triangle. In a triangular formula, we have a situation where any of the three aspects is affected, the other two aspects are similarly affected.

In the mastery or mastermind triangle,

1) where Knowledge is increased or decreased, so will Responsibility, and Control;

2) where Responsibility is increased or decreased, so will Knowledge, and Control; and

3) where Control is increased or decreased, so will Knowledge and Responsibility.

See the interrelationship in the diagram below for a graphical interpretation of these triangular phenomena.

Today, we take to delve into the second part of the formula – Responsibility.

Responsibility in normal language has two meanings.

The first is the duty or obligation one owes to someone, people, a group, or something. The CEO has a Responsibility for the success of the company, as an example. The second meaning is Responsibility as blame. When people say you are responsible for something accusatively, as in “you are responsible for the failure of the marketing campaign” as an example.

However, neither of the two meanings above meets the sensibility of the responsibility of the mastery formula. Responsibility in this case means “being cause”.

Cause is someone who causes or does or brings about or creates something or a situation. Being cause or responsible does not necessarily mean good or bad. If what you created or caused is good or bad, the fact is that you created something.

Being cause is a superior state of being and operation to being an effect or a victim. In general parlance, we hear some statement as “giver never lacks” or something of the sort. People are trying to give credence to the fact that the person who is responsible – as cause, the giver – is in a superior state of mind and operation than the person who is affected by what was caused.

Geopolitically, people make governments worldwide more powerful and despotic by incessantly heaping the responsibility or cause of situations in the nations of the world and the world itself on governments. Oh, Buhari is to blame. Putin is the cause. Biden is the one responsible. Xi is the one causing everything. And what do we know? We have governments becoming more irresponsible, despotic, and powerful; “defense and security” spending increasing astronomically while the wealth, wellness, and security of the majority of the people are on a steady decline.

That is the nature of the Responsibility factor. When you take responsibility for yourself, your life, your family, your groups, your country, your race, your planet, your universe, your spirituality, et al. aspects of life, you become bigger, happier, and more focused. You feel less intimidated and harassed by other entities operating around you, be they governments or criminal groups.

Taking responsibility for all aspects of your business, from its vision, to its products or services, its personnel, customers or clients, the surrounding environment, the micro-business, and macro-economic environment, etc. is a sound second step to unmitigated success.

Remember, the first step is for you to have the correct applied knowledge.

A fully responsible business person never sees or agrees with the blame game of ‘economy is slow’, ‘taxes are high’, ‘bad government is elected’, etc. A fully responsible business person takes responsibility for all aspects of their life and success, including external factors.

In concluding today, let’s seek, acquire, and utilize the correct knowledge of managing and administering our businesses; and take full responsibility for all aspects of the business. It in these that we can attain the unqualified success we desire.

Until next time, continue to strive to thrive!

Babatunde Odutola

MetroSculpters Consulting
(Pre-legal Documentation | Business Documentation | Joint Venture Advisory | PPP Advisory | Project Consulting | Corporate Structure Design & Implementation| Human Capital Enhancement Services | Revenue-Generation/Enhancement Services)


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