Anatomy of Traps – Part One

Anatomy of Traps – Part One

What is a trap?

First, let’s define what we mean by Trap.

A trap is any condition or thing, person or entity that 1) prevents one from being, doing, having, receiving, giving, perceiving, moving, stopping, changing, starting, etc. one’s or other’s thoughts, ideas, emotions, matter, energy, space, time, conclusions, possessions, etc. when one wants to, or 2) any condition or thing, person or entity that forces one to be, do, have, receive, give, perceive, move, stop, change, start, etc. one’s or other’s thoughts, ideas, emotions, matter, energy, space, time, conclusions, possessions, etc. when one does not want to.

That person who prevents you from going wherever you want to go is a trap. That body condition which forces you to go to the toilet when you do not want to is a trap. That property you have which makes you unwilling to live elsewhere other than where it is located is a trap. I leave you to imagine the millions of others.

What are the sources of traps? Here clarified are six sources of trap that prevent human beings from being free, and to fully express their freedom.

The first and most potently vicious source of trap is one’s own self-generated idea.

The most secured and perniciously impactful trap a person has is one’s own self-generated Ideas or those Ideas one believes or agrees to, and lives life with. Ideas, particularly at the level of thought, are the foundations upon which all realities, desired and undesired, good and evil derive. It is with our ideas that we apprehend the world and its constituents.

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If, for example, one has the idea that human beings are animals (like psychology does), it is imperative that one would treat self and others as one would treat wild animals. We can readily see this, for instance, in invasive medical practices that assumes that cutting open a person’s body is a solution to address ailments such as bad heart conditions; the use of mind-altering, debilitating, and additive drugs to address psychosomatics such as depression. These ideas are born of the falsehood and blindness to the truth that the human being is not his or her body, but a distinct spiritual being who inhabits and operates a body.

The second source of trap is the state of one’s own mind.

The condition of one’s operating computing machine, the human mind, is another source of trap for the individual human being. The mind stores, cross-indexes, processes, decides, and impresses conclusions on the person and body of those perceptions the mind derives from its contacts with the body and the environment of the person, including the person’s own ideas, conclusions, thoughts, and decisions.

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When a person’s mind starts to wander away from its basic function of “posing and resolving problems relating to the survival of the person”, such mind becomes a source of trap to the person. If you have met a stutterer, a criminal, racist, hater, robber, rapist, an emotionally ill person, you there apprehend a person whose mind has abdicated its primary functions, and has turned to a punitive prison to the person.

The third source of trap is one’s own body.

The human body is a sensation amplifier, enhancer of perceptions of the environment, and a communication device, if mobile and organic. One depends on one’s body for sensual gratification, sensing of the environment, communicating with other people, among other needs. These dependences on the body makes it the most savage slave-driver ever known to a humanity. The body absorbs impulses from within itself and the environment, and transmits same to the mind for the person to know what has happened in his or her environment.

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The body demands attention, always, from the person, insistently, persistently. It needs food, temperature modulation, water, air, and sundry items to fulfill its own obligations to the person. Now, the fact that human beings are in almost total hypnotically intimate contact with the body, one can’t separate self from it, and thus carry it wherever one desires (in a healthy person) or one is driven to go where one doesn’t want to in order to fulfil one need or the other dictated by the body. The body is a super-trap that, like the mind, one cannot do without unless death (or a sane process) ensures.

The fourth source of trap are one’s human and lifeform possessions.

We have other people in our life. These beings, humans and nonhumans, are akin to possessions, with the differences that they are alive, are mobile, communicate and have self-direction and motivations, unlike inanimate possessions.

Yet, these life possessions have huge attraction on us dictating whether we are free to express ourselves or remain in the trap of the location where, or ideas or emotions, or other conditions that we experience. A lover, husband, wife, son, daughter, sister, brother, friend, pets, plants (legacy and own planted) are a few of those life sources of trap, that prevents us from venturing out, free as the wind.

The fifth source of trap is the physical universe, and its constituents.

A trap inhibits one’s movement and repositioning from one location to another place. It prevents or modulate the expression of one’s thought, emotion, and efforts, among other ills. Well, how about we try to get out of the physical universe? Is that possible? There may be a possibility, but it has to be without your body. Even for a nonmaterial spiritual being, getting out of the mega trap that is the physical universe is almost an impossibility.

Now, let’s ask a question.

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Where do the spirits who inhabit new human bodies come from? You know the population of the world kept increasing by the hour, right? We also know that every person we see is a spiritual being. So, where do the spirits come from? Please, don’t say heaven or some such esoteric places. So, we can’t get out to the next planet with our bodies, less go to the next galaxy. What a prison!

The sixth source of trap are one’s physical possessions.

Well, our possessions, including our bodies, certificates, clothes, homes, cars, phone, computers, towns, nations, planet are magnets that hold us to our immediate location, and fix our identity.

Bonad Properties

Ask a wealthy woman who has a huge mansion and numerous precious jewelries to abandon everything and relocate to another country and be someone else. Or ask a man who drives the latest, most expensive sports car to leave his precious toy behind and go elsewhere. You are likely to encounter a solid resistance.

In Conclusion...

There are the basic traps that we used to hold ourselves bound to the rigors and travails of the physical universe and everything else within it. These are the traps that we use to prevent ourselves from journeying from one universe to the other, physical and spiritual. These are the sources of our being a ‘Man’, ‘Woman’, or one identity for a whole lifetime, and unable (rather, unwilling) to modify.

What different a person in a trap and another in the same condition and yet not in a trap is self-determinism or power of choice.

Is it your own self-generated will to be where you are right now?

Is it your own self-generated will to engage in whatever you are engaged in doing right this moment?

Is it your own self-generated will to have whatever you have or possess right now? If the answers to these questions are in the positive without an iota of a doubt in your mind, then you are not in a trap.

But if you think otherwise or have a doubt of the positivity of the answer, like me, then welcome to the prisons of our false ideas, aberrated minds, our ever-demanding slaver called the human bodies, the unrelentingly expanding physical universe, and the world of our possessions of both animated and inanimate genre.

See ya, Babatunde!


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