The Fable, and Fact of Depression – Part Three

This is the Part Three of the whole CHAPTER 13 of the Book:
"Forgive Yourself, Foremost: A Way To Vanquished Depression, Disability & Failure" by Babatunde Odutola.


What not to attempt to do to “treat” depression.

Don’t take synthetic chemical drugs, electric shocks and other dehumanizing “treatments”. They are not only unsuccessful in alleviating the situation but lead to such horrors we can’t even start to imagine.

Synthetic chemical drugs destroy the mind and the body. Synthetic chemical drugs will devour and make desolate the vital minerals and nutrients the body uses to function. Synthetic chemical drugs will add more illnesses and other terrible medical conditions (called ‘side effects’) that will render the body to ‘need’ more drugs to deal with the “side effects”. If one takes to the dark labyrinth of drugs, one will become a debilitated customer to synthetic chemical drugs companies and doctors, for one’s short lifespan until one’s pained, surgery-wrecked and nutrients-desolate body collapses.

Electric shock is simply that, electric shock and nothing more and nothing less. If you feel you need electric shock simply go to your home electricity outlet and grab a live wire. The result you get will not be different from the shock taunted as ‘treatment’. Electric shock is torture. Electric shocks to the head, targeting the brain, simple destroy the brain cells and, sooner, the proper structure and function of the brain. The brain is a vital organ of the body. It provides a critical function to the mind, enabling thoughts impulses to become translated to emotions which then cause the body to act out our desires in life. If the brain cells become destroyed, or even slightly damaged, a person will, to the extent of the damage or destruction, become like a vegetable. Try see “A Beautiful Mind”, a movie based partly on the life of a Nobel Prize Winner in Economics, John Forbes Nash Jr. and his travails in the hands of the electric shock “treatment” ‘doctors’.

What can be done

Here are some things you or someone you know who is chronically depressed can do.

If you are feeling chronically depressed, take up better diets with lots of vegetables and fruits and lighter protein meals. A body that is regulated by overburdened and negative emotions cannot process and metabolize food into digested and catalyze particles, and dispense the wastes effectively. For this reason, it is injurious to consume hard solids as food: heavy carbohydrates, sugar, hard proteins, chemically processed ‘food’ and ‘drinks’, and yes, synthetic chemical drugs.

You will need to stay away from cold water, drinks and such frozen or iced consumables, such as ice cream. Ice cream is not bad in itself. But cold drinks entering the body freeze the body’s metabolism, digestive system, blood circulatory system, erratically interrupt the body temperature balance and other critical functions. For someone experiencing chronic depression, consuming cold drinks is even more dangerous. Warm water, tea, even coffee (maximum of a cup per day) will serve the body systems much better.

A body with an overburdened and negatively charged emotions will need light exercises to help in 1) sweating out wastes trapped in the body, 2) breathing deeper and get the body cells oxygenated blood with which to operate better, and 3) getting the heartbeat and the blood circulatory systems into better functions for the body to ‘start waking up’. Of course, a body, and mind, so belabored by negative emotions, particularly one of the very low emotions in a chronic state, never works optimally.

Get to meet the ‘right kind’ of people: people with positive energies and life purpose-focus life activities to relate and associate with.

More importantly, leave the “news” alone, including television and newspapers. The news media is a system designed to depress the populace to make them tractable and obedient ‘citizens’. The more negative and horrible ‘news’ a person receives, the more depressed that person will be, the more the world would look bad, evil, corrupt, criminal etc.

Stay off partisan politics and such nasty and hateful matters. (It is my opinion that partisan politics brings out the very worst in humans. It may be good for a rampaging, plundering, murderous and sadistic societies we borrowed it from, we have seen that it is never good for a decent human society.) This doesn’t mean one can not take interest in one’s country’s development.

Read, read, and read. Read stuff that informs about life, great fictional, historical and fairy stories, and the likes. Books have a tendency to assist the recovery of the imaginative, reasoning, creative, extrapolative and other vital functions of the mind - the right kinds of books. There are books you will need to stay off as well. These are horror, vampire, murder and political sensationalist and emotion-draining materials. I love animated novels, comics and cartoons. You can benefit from the unrealities of comics and cartoons, journeying to the lives of imagined wondrous people, never-never-land and universes unknown, with beauty pure and joy unbounded.

Listen to music of whatever genre that meets your fancy and uplifts your ‘spirit’. If you were a ‘stiff’ at dancing like me, dance still. Dance for and to yourself at your own pleasure. Take time to enjoy the little and not-so-little things of life. Smile to everything; yourself, others, for reasons and no reasons.

Stay off drugs, all chemical drugs. The only exception is where there is a medical necessity, because of a medical condition. Ensured they are prescribed by a trusted and well-qualified practitioner. Make sure you start to use the medicine/drugs after obtaining at least a second opinion from another hospital or doctor. (Gani Fawehinmi would probably have lived longer if the doctors who diagnosed, and were busy curing him of, ‘pneumonia’ were taken for granted, and the great man sought alternate competent opinions which he later did after the throat cancer he had had advanced beyond remedy).

Remember that, sometimes, we don’t need drugs to address some of our body conditions. It is said that 70% of all illnesses are psychosomatic (caused by the mind). The remaining 30% are enabled by the poor state of the body which suffers from psychosomatic illness and chronically depressed emotion or state of mind. So, try stay off drugs, synthetic chemical drugs.

To assist your body to recover itself, get vitamins and minerals, the right kinds that suit the needs of your body. Remember or know that the body is an incredible self-regulating, self-repairing mechanism. It requires the absence of the overbearing and negative influences of negative emotions and negative state of mind to enable it function effectively, not the corrosive presence of poisons, which chemical drugs, food and drinks are.

However, don’t take vitamins for the sakes of taking vitamins. Study a little on what kind of condition your body is in. You can get a laboratory tests of the conditions of your body. This will aid in determining what vitamins and minerals and food nutrients that your body needs to recover its self-regulating and self-repairing capabilities.

And, the body needs rest. Good and plenty of rest. Therefore, sleep, sound, and baby-ish. Try minimum of 6 to 8 hours every night. Try naps in the midday, if work allows it. Afternoon naps can be a major boost to wellness than most of the peddled drugs out there.

In addition, and very importantly, find someone who can assist you run some exercises to reorient you to your environment. These are exercises which can assist to exteriorizing your perception and outlook away from the darkness of the negative influences of the mind to the outside world where your attention belonged.

The exercises are simple, and are powerful aids to the reorientation of an individual to the world surrounding him/her.

The exercises include, having one:

‘Look At Things’ one after the other, making sure you do see them as they are in the real world, not in one’s mind;
‘Touch Things/Objects’, walls, floors, objects, furniture, and so on in the environment;
‘Reach For and Withdraw’ from walls, floors, objects, furniture and other things in the environment.

These exercises should be run at first in 1) a well-lighted room that the person is familiar with, 2) outside in a closed and quiet environment like a compound or garden, and 3) in the general neighborhood.

Finally, and most vitally a person who is experiencing chronic depression of the emotion or state of mind must forgive. You’ve got to Let Go of the pains, angers, vengefulness, fears, hates, lies, and hurtful thoughts, emotions and actions, and the inactions, too. This is a big ask, yes, I know. But you can do it. It has been done before and will be done again by others. So, do it. An attempt is not going to cut it. Do away with any expressed or unexpressed thought or apathy of the worthwhileness, value or possibility of forgiving.

You have read this far. You have crossed a great many huddles of ‘why life is the way it is’, which is not. You have become accustomed to some truths and facts about yourself, life and the dangers of continuing to hold-in the harmful poisons of transgressions to your core, and the necessity for forgiveness.

Let us take these information here as one of our primary ‘take aways’ for this chapter.

A person who will commit suicide will commit murder, and vice-versa.
Drugs which can make a depressed or emotionally sad person become "happy" are a dangerous weapon of hidden murder and suicide.
For a depressed person, it is one’s own power of choice which dictated a ‘sad emotion’ because of a loss or whatever. The so willed decision may be wrong. It may be derived from a poor perception or poor evaluation of data. What we must understand is that it’s one’s own willed decision. That decision is a representation of life, to the being who made it.

Where any nicely packaged external synthetic chemical drugs are introduced to force an emotion different from one’s own willed decision, serious and often fatal reactions always occur. Mass murders, serial killers, suicides and similar mindless evils seen in ‘rich’ nations like the US are directly caused by ingestion of legal or illegal psychotropic drugs aimed to ‘cure’ depression and similar phantoms of ‘mental illness’.
We must know that the widespread dissemination of any information will cause people to be, do or have the information. If you spread "news" of murder, rape, suicide, you'll get more people committing murder etc. It is as simple as that.

Spread the news of a crime and you will get more people committing that crime. We can see this with particular reference to rape and domestic violence in Lagos, for instance. The more the news of ‘rape’, ‘domestic violence’ and other senseless crimes are promoted, the more the news of the passage of more laws are shared, the more the sensational arrests, prosecutions and punishments of offenders are dished out to the public, the more the genuine efforts at addressing the crimes are made known, the more rampant are the crimes. Statistics of the police and the agency responsible for the matter say it all.

What is it about the human being that makes us respond to or reach for, without reasoning and evaluation, whatever is peddled to us by the media, families and friends etc.?

Can we dare say that we are sentient? Can we say we have our reasoning powers intact? Are we not in diverse states of hypnotic trance, where the environment controls our behaviors and actions more than we do directly?

To my understanding, the widespread lack of knowledge about the existence of the human mind, its structure, functions, operation and effects is the basic factor underlying our continuous unreasoned actions and reaction which ultimately lead to personal, familial, community and national tragedies.

The mind is a most powerful tool at the disposal of every human being. Yet, almost everyone is oblivious of its existence and operation. We think, emote, and act in manners that make our minds an enemy rather than a friendly pro-survival tool. The mind cares less as to what is happening to us. One of its operating principle is that we are supposed to be its owners and directors. Therefore, whatever we fed into and formed into our minds, our minds will return back to us, even if the result will maim, injure or kill us as it has ceaselessly been.

To become a real sentient being, the dictator of our destinies and the master of our lives, we must understand how our minds work and how to make our minds our allies than the most potent enemy.

Finally, to forgive and let go of all the pains, angers, vengefulness, fears, deception, lies, and hurtful thoughts, emotions and actions, and the inactions, follow the modalities described in this book.

Be great. Enjoy all of life.




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